User Guide

What is the East of England Landscape Framework?


The East of England Landscape Framework comprises a range of information sources aimed at aiding the planning and management of landscape, both urban and rural, in the East of England.

How can the East of England Landscape Framework be used?


The Framework can be used at different resolutions as an integrated framework for decision making regarding landscape in the East of England.

What information does the East of England Landscape Framework contain?

Contents of East of England Landscape Framework

The East of England Landscape Framework includes a Landscape Typology, an Urban Landscape Typology, Integrated Landscape Character Objectives and Guidance on assessing the sensitivity of the landscape of the East of England.

How does the East of England Landscape Framework relate to local Landscape Character Assessments?


The East of England Landscape Framework provides a broad scale understanding of landscape, whilst local Landscape Character Assessments provide greater detail and understanding of local scale variations in landscape character.