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Landscape East
Landscape Typology
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Landscape Character Types
Wooded Limestone Wolds
Overall description:
A landscape with a gently rolling, rounded landform and patchwork of arable fields and blocks of ancient woodland, interspersed with parklands and nucleated villages/towns.
Occurs in the northwest corner of the East of England, to the west of Peterborough.
Physical environment
Gently rolling limestone plateau gradually decreasing in elevation towards the east.
Natural / water features:
Occasional water bodies associated with designed landscapes, small reservoirs, or field ponds.
Vegetation and land use
Ecological character:
A small unit in the northwest corner of the East of England supporting an unusually high proportion (> 6%) of ancient woodland, with remnants of unimproved calcareous grassland and limestone heath.
Primary land use :
Predominantly arable land use, but with significant areas of commercial forestry. Several active and disused limestone quarries.
Tree cover:
An ancient wooded landscape with areas of intact parkland.
Cultural pattern
Historic features:
Remnant pre-enclosure field systems, with ridge and furrow near villages and isolated settlements. Large parklands are a recurring feature throughout this landscape.
Enclosure pattern:
Large scale regular field pattern defined by low hedgerows, or dry stone walls. Wide verges are a feature of minor roads.
Settlement pattern:
Low density settlement comprising a well defined nucleated pattern of vernacular stone villages with a scatter of outlying farms.
Buildings constructed of local pale yellow coloured limestone with stone slate roofs.
Historic development :
Although primarily a late enclosure landscape created from common fields, there are some significant areas of early enclosure, some of which may be derived from assarting, as it is related to the distribution of ancient woodlands.
Generally a quiet rural ambiance.
A semi enclosed landscape as a result of the rolling topography and woodland blocks.